Navigating the Challenges of Running a Dance School During a Pandemic

April 13, 2023

The world has changed dramatically since the beginning of 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on all aspects of life, including the dance industry. Dance school owners have been forced to navigate a host of challenges as they try to keep their businesses afloat during these unprecedented times. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key challenges that dance school owners are facing and provide some tips for how to overcome them.

Challenge #1: Safety Concerns

One of the biggest challenges that dance school owners face during a pandemic is ensuring the safety of their students, staff, and families. Dancing requires close contact with others, making it difficult to maintain social distancing guidelines. To address this concern, many dance schools have had to implement new safety protocols, such as requiring masks, limiting class sizes, and increasing cleaning and sanitation measures.

Tips for overcoming this challenge:

- Stay up-to-date on the latest safety guidelines from your local health department and adjust your protocols accordingly.
- Communicate your safety measures clearly to your students and their families to reassure them that their health is your top priority.
- Consider offering virtual classes for students who are not comfortable attending in-person classes.

Challenge #2: Financial Hardships

The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the economy, and many dance schools have been hit hard financially. With reduced class sizes and increased safety measures, many schools are struggling to make ends meet. Some have had to close their doors permanently.

Tips for overcoming this challenge:

- Explore all available financial assistance programs, such as government loans and grants, to help keep your business afloat.
- Consider offering online classes or workshops to generate additional income.
- Look for creative ways to reduce expenses, such as sharing space with another business or negotiating with vendors to reduce costs.

Challenge #3: Staff Retention

Many dance schools have had to reduce staff or cut hours due to reduced class sizes and financial hardships. This can make it difficult to retain talented instructors and staff members who may need to find other jobs to make ends meet. Losing staff can have a negative impact on the quality of classes and the overall experience for students.

Tips for overcoming this challenge:

- Be transparent with your staff about the challenges facing the business and work together to find solutions.
- Consider offering additional training or professional development opportunities to keep your staff engaged and motivated.
- Look for creative ways to keep your staff employed, such as offering virtual classes or workshops that can be taught from home.

Challenge #4: Student Retention

With so many changes and uncertainties, it can be difficult to retain students during a pandemic. Some may be hesitant to attend in-person classes, while others may be struggling financially and unable to continue with dance lessons. Losing students can have a negative impact on the financial health of the business and the morale of the remaining staff and students.

Tips for overcoming this challenge:

- Keep communication channels open with your students and their families, providing regular updates about class schedules and safety protocols.
- Offer incentives to encourage students to continue attending classes, such as discounts or free workshops.
- Consider offering flexible payment options or scholarships to students who may be experiencing financial difficulties.

Challenge #5: Technological Challenges

Many dance schools have had to quickly adapt to new technologies and virtual teaching methods. This can be a challenge for instructors who are used to teaching in person and may not be comfortable with new technology. It can also be difficult to maintain the same level of engagement and interaction with students in a virtual setting.

Tips for overcoming this challenge:

- Provide training and support for instructors who are new to virtual teaching methods.
- Use technology to your advantage by offering virtual classes and workshops to reach a wider audience.
- Look for ways to incorporate technology into in-person classes, such as using video demonstrations or incorporating music apps.


Running a dance school during a pandemic is not easy, but it is possible. By staying up-to-date on the latest safety guidelines, exploring all available financial assistance programs, and finding creative ways to keep staff and students engaged, dance school owners can navigate these challenges and come out stronger on the other side. Remember, your passion for dance and dedication to your students will help you overcome even the toughest challenges.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Need some more info? Drop us a line.

Is it expensive to get a new website?

We offer a range of flexible monthly packages designed to fit exactly what your dance school needs. There’s no large upfront fee to be much kinder to your school’s budget.

We think of websites as investments - they are an extra team member working hard on your behalf 24/7 and will easily repay the price.

I’m not very technical - will the process be easy?

It’s our job to handle the complicated technical part of your new website project.

Every step is designed to be as simple as possible so you don’t need to worry, we cater for all abilities and want to support you and your school all the way.

How long does it take?

Gathering the content together is generally the longest part of the process but we normally work on 4-6 weeks for a new site.

How long until I appear at the top of Google?

There are literally hundreds of factors that Google uses to rank pages, plus it depends on how competitive your particular area is.

We can work really hard on making sure the pages are structured well and have the right technical bits done. We can advise you on what content to add in as your site grows and great ideas for getting links back to your school’s website.

All these factors add together and put you in a fantastic position to rank well in Google searches.

Do you do updates / SEO to current websites?

We’ve found that it’s actually much easier to start again from scratch to ensure that the whole site is optimised for your visitors and for search engines. It doesn’t add much time to the project and the return on your investment is way better.

How do I appear in Google Maps?

This is down to having a fantastic Google My Business page, we can help you to optimise your listing and get found in the local area.

How do I get started?

Get In Contact with us if you have any questions or jump right in and complete the New Client Survey. We will then put together a proposal for you that explains exactly what we're offering and our plan for working together over the next 12 months.