Tips for Keeping Your Dance Studio Clean and Sanitised

April 13, 2022

Dance studios are a hub of activity, creativity, and energy. But with that comes the responsibility of maintaining a clean and healthy environment for your students and staff. As a dance school owner, it is your duty to ensure that your studio is clean and sanitised at all times. Not only does it promote the health and safety of your dancers and staff, but it also reflects positively on your business. Here are some tips for keeping your dance studio clean and sanitised.

Develop a Cleaning Schedule

One of the most important things you can do to keep your dance studio clean is to create a cleaning schedule. This schedule should include daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks. Daily tasks should include sweeping the floors, wiping down surfaces, and sanitising high-touch areas such as door handles, light switches, and ballet barres. Weekly tasks can include cleaning the mirrors, mopping the floors, and dusting. Monthly tasks can include deep cleaning the floors and walls, sanitising the props and costumes, and replacing air filters.

It is important to assign these tasks to specific staff members and hold them accountable for completing them. By having a cleaning schedule in place, you can ensure that all areas of your dance studio are cleaned regularly and nothing is overlooked.

Provide Sanitising Stations

In today’s environment, it is crucial to have sanitising stations throughout your dance studio. These stations should include hand sanitiser, disinfectant wipes, and tissues. Place these stations in high-traffic areas such as the entrance, waiting room, and dance rooms. Encourage students and staff to use the sanitising stations frequently, particularly before and after class.

Clean and Sanitise Dance Floors

Dance floors should be cleaned and sanitised regularly to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Use a specialised dance floor cleaner and sanitiser to clean the floors. Avoid using harsh chemicals or water as they can damage the floors. Also, make sure to clean the floors thoroughly after each class to remove any sweat or dirt.

Clean and Sanitise Costumes and Props

Costumes and props are shared among students and can harbour germs and bacteria. It is essential to clean and sanitise them regularly. Use a gentle laundry detergent for costumes and disinfectant wipes or a sanitising spray for props. Make sure to follow the care instructions for each item to avoid any damage. It is also a good idea to rotate the use of costumes and props to ensure that they are cleaned thoroughly.

Encourage Good Hygiene Practices

Promoting good hygiene practices among students and staff is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy dance studio. Encourage students to bring their own water bottles and towels to class. Remind them to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing and to wash their hands frequently. Also, encourage staff to stay home if they are feeling unwell to prevent the spread of illness.

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service

While it is important to have a cleaning schedule in place and sanitising stations available, hiring a professional cleaning service can take the burden off your staff and ensure that your studio is thoroughly cleaned and sanitised. A professional cleaning service will have the expertise and equipment to clean and sanitise your studio effectively. They can also clean areas that may be overlooked or difficult to clean, such as air ducts or high ceilings.

Educate Your Staff and Students

Educating your staff and students on the importance of cleanliness and hygiene practices is crucial. Hold regular training sessions to teach staff how to properly clean and sanitise the dance studio. Also, educate students on the importance of washing their hands, covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing, and being mindful of shared equipment and props.

In conclusion, keeping your dance studio clean and sanitised is essential for promoting the health and safety of your dancers and staff. By implementing a cleaning schedule, providing sanitising stations, cleaning and sanitising dance floors, costumes, and props, encouraging good hygiene practices, hiring a professional cleaning service, and educating your staff and students, you can ensure that your dance studio is a clean and healthy environment for all.

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Is it expensive to get a new website?

We offer a range of flexible monthly packages designed to fit exactly what your dance school needs. There’s no large upfront fee to be much kinder to your school’s budget.

We think of websites as investments - they are an extra team member working hard on your behalf 24/7 and will easily repay the price.

I’m not very technical - will the process be easy?

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How long does it take?

Gathering the content together is generally the longest part of the process but we normally work on 4-6 weeks for a new site.

How long until I appear at the top of Google?

There are literally hundreds of factors that Google uses to rank pages, plus it depends on how competitive your particular area is.

We can work really hard on making sure the pages are structured well and have the right technical bits done. We can advise you on what content to add in as your site grows and great ideas for getting links back to your school’s website.

All these factors add together and put you in a fantastic position to rank well in Google searches.

Do you do updates / SEO to current websites?

We’ve found that it’s actually much easier to start again from scratch to ensure that the whole site is optimised for your visitors and for search engines. It doesn’t add much time to the project and the return on your investment is way better.

How do I appear in Google Maps?

This is down to having a fantastic Google My Business page, we can help you to optimise your listing and get found in the local area.

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